Our Services

ProBiz Law stands out from other law firms through its founder Robyn Davis’s unique approach, which combines her extensive experience in corporate law with a deep commitment to serving the specific needs of small and medium enterprises and lean law departments. Unlike larger firms that may offer a broad array of services, ProBiz Law focuses on:

  • Tailored Legal Solutions: Providing bespoke legal advice that aligns with the business goals and challenges of each client.
  • Strategic Risk Mitigation: Emphasizing proactive strategies to minimize legal risks before they become issues.
  • Operational Excellence: Ensuring that regulatory compliance is integrated seamlessly into business operations.
  • Diverse Industry Insight: Leveraging Robyn’s experience across consumer goods, manufacturing, electronics, and technology to offer informed guidance.
  • Personalized Client Relationships: Building strong, collaborative relationships with clients to understand and effectively advocate for their interests.

This personalized and experienced-based approach ensures that ProBiz Law’s clients receive not only legal expertise but also strategic business insights that can drive their success.

How to Engage Us

  • On-Demand Legal Support: Contact us for immediate legal assistance. Our on-demand services are designed to be flexible and responsive, ensuring you get the help you need exactly when you need it.
  • Lawyer for the Day: Secure a dedicated eight-hour block of our lawyer’s time with a flat fee. During this period, our legal expert will be exclusively available to address your business’s legal needs, providing focused and uninterrupted service.
  • Outside General Counsel (GC): Choose our subscription-based Outside GC service to have ProBiz Law act as your organization’s ongoing legal department. This comprehensive service includes the oversight of all legal matters, coordination with specialized outside counsel as needed, and a consistent legal strategy aligned with your business objectives.
  • Legal Needs Assessment: Engage with us to conduct thorough legal needs assessments for your business. Based on these assessments, we create customized documents and process maps tailored to your frequent transactions, ensuring streamlined legal processes and documentation.

These options are designed to provide you with predictable legal costs and the flexibility to choose the level of service that best suits your business’s needs.